
Monday 11 August 2008

Robin Bullock and Ken Kolodner

Robin is a zouk player extraordinaire. I found two videos in which he plays bouzouki. In the first one he plays the tunes Border Crossing/ Panhandle/ Cuckoo's Nest together with Ken Kolodner on hammered dulcimer.

Here Ken Kolodner, Robin Bullock, Colin Smith play Sean in the Mist/Glenberry Rant

Paul Doyle - Luthier

If you are looking for a bouzouki why not try one of Paul Doyle's? On these two videos he is presenting two of his instruments. On his website you can have a closer look. I like especially the bubinga and douglas fir top zouk in the first video:

In this video Paul plays a cedar top zouk:

Have a look at Paul's website at:

Friday 1 August 2008

Beth Patterson - Blue Blazes

A new video showing the great playing of Beth Patterson available on Youtube. I wish there were more videos available.