
Wednesday 27 January 2010

Beth Patterson with Iona

Beth Patterson together with Iona. Fine live performance from November 22,2009.

First a new song by Beth called Click(?)

This one's by Iona with Beth, Can Wassel

42 Minutes Best of Festivals 2009

SIMMO7TS posted a 42 min survey of some festival shots. First there is Patrick Street with some songs and tunes. After that there's Chumbawamba and Dougie McLean. If you've got some time watch it all, otherless you might enjoy Patrick Street.

And here's some more 38 min, this time just Andy Irvine. Most of the videos have been posted before seperately.

Andy Irvine playing Andylinn by Paul Doyle

Andy Irvine visited Paul Doyle to have some pickups installed. After work he played around with some new Andylinns.

Plains of Kildare:

The Blacksmith

More Blacksmith

Playing around

Andy Irvine on Balcony TV

Recently Andy Irvine was guest on Balcony TV. He played one of his signature songs, Never tire of the road.

Balcony TV was founded in June 2006. It is a leading daily online viral music show, which features band, musicians and other acts on lots of balconies around the world. You can find more information at:

Ben's Bouzouki Theme

Ben Williamson from Yellow Springs, Ohio is a Bouzouki player who not only plays Irish music but also Bulgarian, Arabic and New Age music. Here's a video of him playing an original tune.

You can find more information on his myspace site.

Here's the site of his band Orion on facebook.


You've heard a tune, but don't know its name? Here's a little helper. Just go to
Java must be enabled and you need a microphone plugged into the computer. A player opens and you can play the tune. If you play it good enough tunepal recognizes the tune and here you go! Well, I think this is a great helper. Try it and comment, please!

Sunday 3 January 2010

Guitar accompaniment -also for bouzouki players

Here's a little text I found which deals with Guitar accompaniment on Irish tunes I think it is written by Alan Campbell. Lots of tips for players, which might be useful for players of the bouzouki too.

If you are interested in more information: Here you can watch some videos:

And here is the tutorial: