
Thursday 15 April 2010

Buskin in Sligo played by Peter Hankiewicz

My friend Peter from Frankfurt/Germany posted this video in which he is playing a song by Peter Hoben from Castlebar Co. Mayo. His bouzouki is made in Serbia, it's the first of its kind built there. The sound is superb, as far as I can hear from the video.

By the way: Peter is singer of the band "Blue Blistering Barnacles". For further information visit:


2Duos is a Scottish/German project and consists of Aaron Jones, Claire Mann and Gudrun Walters and Jürgen Treyz. They mix German and Scottish songs and tunes in a fresh and lively way. My friend Peter saw them live in Bad Homburg, Germany on 08.04.2010 and posted some videos on youtube. Many thanks to Peter for sharing.