
Tuesday 15 December 2020

Matt Heaton - Playing Counter Melodies

 A new tutorial from Matt Heaton. A very in deep tutorial how to play counter melodies. Basic rule to this: you have to know the tune you're accompanying very well. Otherwise it might clash with the melody.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Daoiri Farrell - Live Online Concert for Festival of Oulu

 Daoiri did lots of online concerts during the pandemic in the last months. Here is one he did for the Festival of Oulu which took place Nov. 19th - 21

I think, I don't have to say anything about Daoiri, I first met him in 2011 in Germany and and within these years he has achieved a well deserved success. Alway great to see him. 

Matt Heaton - Accompanying Tunes in Am with Capo 2 (Gm-Shapes)

So Matt did it again. Another great tutorial for bouzouki. He explains how to accompany tunes in Am. He uses the capo at 2nd fret and plays Gm shapes.

If you watched this you might be interested in my posts about accompanying in Gm. Here they are:

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Eoin O'Neill - Bouzouki Online Workshop

 Well, I'm a bit late with this information, but better late than never ...

Eoin O'Neill offers an online workshop for Bouzouki at the O'Flaherty's Retreat 2020. It runs from Out. 18th until Nov 8th, so it is already online. It cost 150$ and you'll get 9 Lessons each lasts around 25 - 30 minutes You can register here:

The online workshops are available until December, so enough time to learn from/with Eoin. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to learn the way Eoin plays. This might be the only good thing about Corona.

Andy Irvine - Live in Kuhstedt (Germany) 4th of November 2010

 Found this now 10 years old Video on my hard disk. I filmed it at a concert in a small village in Northern Germany. The concert was sold out and I had bought no ticket in advance. Luckily they opened up the room and let me and some more people in. Btw. I drove more than 700 km to see Andy there, well, to be honest, I also wanted to visit my sister who lives there ;-)

Thursday 1 October 2020

Matt Heaton - Bouzouki Workshop #3 - Accompanying in Em

 Matt's workshop for this weeks is all about accompanying in Em without capo. He gives some ideas to play in Em which might be useful when accompanying a set of tunes in different keys.

This time no chord diagrams necessary, just watch the video.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Matt Heaton - Bouzouki Workshop #2 - Chords in the key of G (mostly)

 Matt just released the second workshop in his Backer Corner series. Here he gives an overview of useful chords in the key of G. 

I made a chord-chart with the app guitartoolkit (highly recommended) so it is easier to follow him.

If you'd like to donate to Matt you can do it here: PayPal button --


Tuesday 15 September 2020

Matt Heaton - Workshop Right hand technique

Matt offers his first bouzouki tutorial. This one is about right hand technique. In this way he shares my opinion about accompanying tunes on the bouzouki. It sounds better if the bouzouki is played different from a guitar.

The Heaton's youtube-channel:

And don't forget to tune in to the Heaton's slow session on youtube every Saturday, and maybe donate some money to them if you have something spare:  PayPal button --

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Accompanying in A: Matt & Shannon Heaton - Haunted House

At the last Slow Session Matt and Shannon played the warmup jig first in G and then in A.  It's a nice idea to change the key during a tune. Works very well for the Haunted House. 

 So far I avoided playing in A. I always used the capo on 2nd fret and played G-shapes. So I found it very interesting how Matt manages playing in A.

Here's the video: Jig starts at 2:45, Jig in A starts at 4:54.

Btw. if you like what they are doing or if you like my tabs please consider to donate any amount you like to the Heatons virtual tip jar:      PayPal button --


This is the tab I made for the first round through the tune: Hope it is nearly correct. If you find any mistakes please let me know.

In the last bars of the tune (2nd round through) Matt uses a nice chord progression:

A, Bm, F#m, D, E, A

A: 2240

Bm: 4450

F#m: 6670

D: 7790

E: 99110

A: 2202

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Matt & Shannon Heaton - Jig in G - Haunted House

 A new Slow Session from the Heatons last Sunday. The warmup Jig played on bouzouki. First in G, then in A. It's a nice idea to change the key during a tune. Works very well for the Haunted House. Here's the video: Jig starts at 2:45

Btw. if you like what they are doing or if you like my tabs please consider to donate any amount you like to the Heatons virtual tip jar:      PayPal button --


This is the tab I made for the first round through the tune: Hope it is nearly correct. If you find any mistakes please let me know. I will post a tab in A later.

Well, as Matt uses some interesting chords and rhythmic variations in the third round through I made a tab for it also. So here it is:

Monday 7 September 2020

Trials of Cato

 For all lovers of odd rhythms and modern Folk here's a relatively new band from Finland. Alex, a reader of my blog reminded me of them, many thanks for that. I once listened to their album when it came out but forgot about them. So I gave it another try. Fantastic musicians. 

Here's their website:

And here are some live videos. Some songs of the EP are on youtube as well.

Monday 31 August 2020

Lord Mayo - March in Am - some ideas for Accompanyment

 Today I tried to find out different variations to accompany the march Lord Mayo. Starting point was the video by Matt & Shannon Heaton. Matt plays Gm-Chords with Capo on 2nd fret. Then I found the version of the Floating Crowbars. They play Dm-Shapes with Capo on 7th fret. So I had 2 different approaches. Then I thought, how it would sound with Am-shapes without capo and tried different chords. 

So at first here are some possibilities without capo, maybe you'll find some more:

Not every attempt sounds good to everyone, so you have to decide what suits you.

Here are some chords that might be useful in Am:



Now lets look at Gm-shapes with capo on 2nd fret. First here's the video of Matt & Shannon Heaton. Lord Mayo starts at 42:20.

Now let's look at the recording of the Floating Crowbars. They use Dm-shapes with capo on 7th fret:


I really like the intro and groove of this accompanyment. Here's a tab for it:

And possible chords:

Sunday 30 August 2020

The Wren - An Dro - (Em) - Arrangement by Matt & Shannon Heaton (Capo 2)

 Another lovely slow session by Matt and Shannon Heaton. This times two sets with bouzouki. One of them a beautiful An Dro called the Wren. I know it for many years as a song by Tri Yann from France. They called it Kerfank 1870 and it is on their Album "Urba". If you don't know it give it a listen. This is the album where they began to change their style to be more electric.

The melody can be found at thesession:

So here's the video. The Wren starts at  41.15

I made a tab file of the first round through the tune. Here it is:

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Accompanying in G - Ger The Rigger (Polka) - Matt & Shannon Heaton

 This is a slow Polka in G. Shannon and Matt are playing it nice and slow. The tune starts at 3:05.


 This is the tab I made for the first time round the tune. Looks more difficult that it is. First time I tried to write a tab for a Polka. 2/4 time. I hope I did it right.

Btw: If you like my blog please click on "Follow" on the right, so you will get notified whenever there is a new post.

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:

I also made a tab of the 2nd time round the tune because Matt uses several chords up the neck here:






Here is a tab for the melody at capo 2. I made it from the second file on with the program tabledit, but changed a few little things.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Accompanying in G - Jig The Haunted House - Matt & Shannon Heaton

From the Heaton's weekly virtual session from July, 25th here is a jig called The Haunted House. Matt uses several voicings for G, C and D. Tune starts at 7:42.

The Heatons on the web:

Btw: Shannon has published some very enjoying books for Flute-players and of course they made some wonderful CDs as well. Check them out here:




This is the tab I made for the first time round:

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:

Monday 24 August 2020

Accompanying in G: Matt & Shannon Heaton: Sean South of Garryowen (March)

A slow march played by Matt & Shannon Heaton called Sean South of Garryowen. Matt plays in G without capo. He uses several voicings for G, C and D. Tune starts at 3:18.



I tried to write down the first round through the tune. Hope, I got it right. Here's my tab:

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:

Thursday 20 August 2020

Sean Reid's Reel - Alec Finn Accompaniment

From the classic album Mary Bergin and Alec Finn: Feadoga Stain this is a wonderful reel.

I tried to write down the accompaniment of Alec for the first round through the tune just to get to know a bit what he is doing. I'm not always sure what his right hand is doing as he sometimes breaks through the up and downs. Updated Aug 21st 2020, added chord shapes and corrected mistake in measure 6.

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:









 And here is the tab for the melody (GDAD). I made it with the program tabledit on the MAC out of a setting that appears on in the comments: 



And here's the melody played with capo 5th fret:



Tuesday 18 August 2020

Playing in E-Minor without Capo - Ships are sailing - Matt Heaton Style

Another video of the Heaton Sessions. This time from August, 8th, 2020. The tune is Ships are Sailing and it starts at 25:38. Chords are mostly Em, D and sometimes G.

Here is my chord sheet. I noted where the bass is accented because this is important for the rhythm. There are also some Hammering-Ons. Blue chord names: this is a Bass-line.
Below the tab is a list of used chords. Tuning GDAD. So 9,9,10,0 means for example: G string 9th fret, D string 9th fret, A string 10th fret, D string rings open.

These are the chords for the first time through. Beware, there might be some mistakes in it. If you find one, let me know, please. I think, to understand the writing you have to watch the video and compare. Otherwise it might be a little confusing. 

If you want to know more about Matt's approach to Em-Tunes you can watch his Guitar related video to tunes in Em. I included it below.

Monday 17 August 2020

A Fig For A Kiss - Bouzouki Arrangement By Matt Heaton - E Minor

Matt and Shannon Heaton broadcast a regular slow session during the lockdown. They play mostly well known session tunes. It is always a pleasure to listen to both of them and to play along with them. The sessions are saved on youtube so one can watch thCaem everytime. So if you missed one of the sessions, they are still on youtube. This is the link to Shannon's youtube-channel:

On August, 1st 2020 Matt and Shannon Heaton had another Online Session. As warmup they played this lovely version of A Fig For A Kiss. Tune starts at 2:36

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:



I tried to write down the arrangement Matt plays. Capo at 2nd fret. Here it is:



Thursday 16 July 2020

Shane McGowan - Rhythm Tutorial - Jigs and Reels

South Sligo SummerSchool gave us two tutorials with Shane McGowan. He's one fine guitar player and has worked with so many famous musicians. I saw him several time live and I think his style is very lively. As it is all about rhythm it should be of interest to bouzouki players as well.

The first Workshop deals with jigs:

The second Workshop deals with Reels:

Lenghten your fingers

An exercise by Brett Ridgeway that might help to lengthen your fingers. I think it's also an exercise to warm up your fingers.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

The Storms Are On The Ocean

A lovely song I first heard from the group Bohola. The Carter Family made it popular, I think. I play nearly the same arrangement as Pat Broaders does on the self titled CD. Sorry for the mistakes. Also I forgot the 3rd verse and sang it as last verse.;-) Shit happens.

Some information about the song is to be found here:

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:

Here is my chord sheet for the song (Capo 7)

{t:The Storms are on the Ocean}
Capo 7

I'm [D]going a [G]way to [D]leave you, love
I'm going a [A]way for a [D]while
But I'll re [G]turn to [D]you sometime
If I go ten [A]thousand [D]miles

The [G]storms are on the [D]ocean
And the [Bm]heavens may [A]cease to [D]be
This [G]world may lose its [D]motion, [Bm]love
If [D]I prove [A]false to [D]thee

Oh [D]who will [G]dress your [D]pretty little feet
And who will [A]glove your [D]hands
And who will [G]kiss your [D]rosy cheek
When I'm in a [A]faraway [D]land

Oh [D]Poppa will [G]dress my [D]pretty little feet
And Momma will [A]glove my [D]hand [G] 
And [D]you will [G]kiss my [D]rosy cheek
When you re [A]turn a [D]gain

Oh [D]have you [G]seen those [D]mournful doves
Flying from [A]pine to [D]pine [G] 
[D]Mourning [G]for their [D]own true love
Just like I [A]mourn for [D]mine

The [G]storms are on the [D]ocean
And the [Bm]heavens may [A]cease to [D]be
This [G]world may lose its [D]motion, [Bm]love
If [D]I prove [A]false to [Bm]thee [G] 
If [D]I prove [A]false to [D]thee [G]  [D] 

Sunday 28 June 2020

Josephine Marsh

Josephine March, composer, box and fiddle player. Her brother, Pat, plays bouzouki on these videos.

Geantraí 1998. 
All's Well That Ends Well (Jig 00:00) Jigermyster (Jig 01:27) a set of jigs composed by Josephine Marsh.

Tunes: Lad O'Berine's (Reel 00:00) Phyllis' Reel ( 01:54)
Josephine Marsh, (button accordion) Eithne Ní Dhonaile, (harp) John Weir, (fiddle) + Pat Marsh (bouzouki ) recorded in Ennis, Co. Clare in 1998.

Gradam Ceoil TG4 2020 - The Finale: 

Tá an Coileach ag Fógairt an Lae (Song 0:00), Paddy Fahy's (Reel 1:02), Jig For The One Row (Jig 1:39) & Lead The Knave (Reel 2:38)

Sunday 21 June 2020

Fingertraining exercises

This post is in German, but I think it is easy to understand. Some exercises to warm up your fingers. It is always a good idea to warm up fingers before playing. But oftentimes I forget to do it because I just want to play ;-)

Matt Heaton - Intro to Jig Rhythm

For some weeks now Matt Heaton offers workshops how to accompany Irish Music on Guitar. This week he offers the first Rhythm Workshop. He concentrates on Jigs. No chords this time, so this workshop is useful for Bouzouki players too.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Accompaniment in Bm/D - Jig "The Humours of Glynn" - Karl Nesbitt

Karl Nesbitt gives a little introduction to accompany a jig in Bm/D. This is a nice presentation for beginners. Karl also provides some introductional videos for Bodhran, Whistle and Flute on youtube.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Tim Browne - Down By Blackwater Side

A lovely song here sung by Tim Browne, a singer and bouzouki player from Kanturk, Ireland. He just sent me his CD he made called Where Treasures Lay by his Duo called Cosamar. What a lovely CD. I really enjoy listening to it. So I searched for his other CDs at my home and found this song, which can be found on youtube too.

Tim can be found via this website:
and here:


I found the words of the song in his book"Stories in Song Vol. 1" which is available here:

I made a chord sheet to accompany the video:

{t:Blackwater Side}
{st:Tim Browne Version}

As [D]I roved [D/F#]out one [G]morning fair,
being [D]early [G]as I [D]strayed                             - Hammering-On over "early" D-String 0-4
It [D]being all on the month of [G/B]June,
the [D]binds sang in the [G]shade                             - Hammering-On over "birds" D-String 0-4
The [D]sun shone down right merri[G5]ly
and the [D]waters did gently [G]glide
Where [D]primroses and [G]daisies grow
down [D]by Black[A]water[D]side

I scarce had gone but half one mile when then by chance I spied
Two lovers talking as they walked down by Blackwaterside
And as he embraced her in his arms these words unto her did say
When I'm in America, I will be true, to my bonny Irish maid

When you are in America, those Yankee girls you'll find
And you'll have sweethearts of your own more pleasing to your mind
But do not forget the promises and vows you made unto me
Oh stay at home love and do not roam from your bonny Irish maid

When I'm in America those Yankee girls I'll see
But they'll have to be very pretty love to remind me of thee
There's not one bird in yon green bush or a flower in yonder glade
Which does remind me love of you, my bonny Irish Maid

It's many's the foolish youth she said has gone to a distant shore
Leaving behind his own true love perhaps to see no more
It's in crossing of the Atlantic foam their graves are sometimes made
Oh stay at home love and do not roam from your bonny Irish maid

And so these two young lovers, so fondly did embrace
Like honey drops all on the dew the tears ran down her face
Saying there'll not be a day while you're away but I'll visit still these green glades
Until you will return here once more to your bonny Irish maid

[D]: x000
[D/F#]: x400
[G]: 0520 or 0500?
[G/B]: 4550 or 4500
[G5]: x550

Friday 29 May 2020

Finger practice in G and D

Oh, my brain, where did I find this idea on the web? Can't remember. The idea is to exercise the scale of G and D. These are 3, or exactly 2 exercises for G and D.

You have to do the exercise once forward and then backwards. I only wrote the forward part of it.

Finger Practice - Spider walk

What an exercise. My goal for the coming weeks. Everyday for a few minutes. The Video is made for guitar, but it can be exercised on bouzouki as well. Seems my ring finger needs a lot of practice.

Sunday 17 May 2020

More finger practice

Some more finger practice I found somewhere.

First an easy one, but watch your ring finger:

Take care of the rhythm And where to change finger positions

Easy one. Leave the first finger always on fretboard

This one is a bit harder. Maybe practice one bar after another

Friday 15 May 2020

Finger warmups for Mandolin and Bouzouki - Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien speaks about Mandolin Warmup Exercises. What works on mandolin must work on bouzouki also. So have a look at it and decide for yourselves.

By the way, some years ago Tim produced a DVD where he explains some of his techniques on Mandolin and Bouzouki. If you don't know it already have a look at it. You can order it from his website:

I tried to translate this concept to bouzouki in G-Major. It would look like this:

In D it could look like this, first D chords from D-string on, second line D chords inversed from G-string on:

Here are some short videos as introduction to his DVD:

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Folk Friend - Learn to strum Irish/Scottish Hornpipes and Reels

Nye Farley (Folk Friend) has published a new instruction video for guitarists. As he explains some strumming patterns it is interesting for bouzouki players also. In this video he focuses on Hornpipes. He shows a straight and a swung pattern.

If you don't know him already check him out on youtube. There are some interesting videos to be found on his channel.

On his website you can find some tips for practicing:

You might also have a look at his book which I really like: Or here in paperback:

Friday 8 May 2020

Dolores Keane - Craigie Hills - Chords

Craigie Hill performed by Dolores Keane and Reel Union.

I posted this video many years ago. Now I added some lyrics and chords to it.

John faulkner - Bouzouki
Mairtin O'Connor - acordion
Sean Keane - flute
Eamonn Curran - whistle

Unfortunately you can't see too much of John's zouk playing. Nevertheless a real gem.

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:

{t:Craigie Hill}

It a [Bm]being in [D]spring, when the [G]small [A]birds  were [Bm]singing,
Down [Bm]by yon [A]shady [G]arbour I    [D]careless[A]ly did [G]stray;
Where the [Bm]thrushes [A]they were [G]warbling, The [D]vio[A]lets they were [Bm]charming:
To [G]view fond [D]lovers [Bm]talking, a [G]while I [A]did de[D]lay.       

She said, „My dear don’t leave me all for another season,
Though fortune does be pleasing I'll go along with you.
I'll forsake friends and relations and bid this holy nation,
And to the bonny Bann banks forever I'll bid adieu.“     

He said, „My dear, don’t grieve or yet annoy my patience.
You know I love you dearly the more I’m going away,
I’m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation,
To comfort us here after all in Amerikay.

Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing,
It’ll cause them for smile at our late going away,
We'll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory,
We'll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerikay.

If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying,
The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you'd give o'er,
Or if were down one hour, down in the shady bower,
Pleasure would surround you, you'd think on death no more.

Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hill, where often times I've roved,
I never thought my childhood days I 'd part you ever more,
Now we're sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion,
And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore."

Please don't forget to comment!

Andy Irvine - Bonny Woodhall - Chords

What a wonderful song by Andy Irvine. From his album "Rainy Sundays, Windy Dreams" released in the 70s.

Here's a version from the Celebrating of the 40th anniversary of the Paul Brady/Andy Irvine album.
Andy Irvine, Paul Brady, Donal Lunny, Kevin Burke, Vicar Street Dublin. 21 May 2017

You'll find lots more tabs for tunes and songs on this blog here:


{t:Bonny Woodhall}
{st: Andy Irvine}

Down [D]by yon green bushes near [G]Calder’s clear [D]stream
Where [G]me and my [D]Annie so [G]often have [A]been
When the [Bm]hours that flew [D]past us, right [G]hap[D]py [A]were  [G]we
It was [D]little she [G]thought that a  [D]sol[G]dier I’d [D]be

But it’s [D]farewell to Annie and [G]I must a[D]way
For the [G]King he needs [D]soldiers and [G]I must o[A]bey
But if [Bm]providence prove [D]kind love un[G]til [D]I [A]re[G]turn
I will [D]wed with my [G]Annie near  [D]Cal[G]der’s clear [D]burren.

On the [D]fourteenth of August our [G]regiment was [D]lost
And a [G]ball from the [D]enemy our [G]lines came a[A]cross
O it [Bm]struck me in the [D]temple and the [G]blood [D]trick[A]led [G]down
I [D]reeled and I [G]staggered and I [D]fell to [G]the [D]ground

Come [D]here, says our captain, come [G]here with good [D]speed
For I [G]fear by this [D]bullet young [G]Dinsmore lies [A]dead
Two [Bm]men with a [D]stretcher did [G]quick[D]ly [A]pre[G]pare
And they [D]carried [G]me a[D]way to a [D]hospi[G]tal [D]there

Cold [D]water and brandy they [G]poured out so [D]free
They [G]turned me all [D]over my [G]wounds for to [A]see
But if [Bm]I had my [D]Annie to [G]bind [D]up [A]my [G]wounds
One [D]kiss from her [G]sweet lips would soon [D]deaden [G]the [D]stoun 
{c:stoun - sting}

And it’s [D]when I am weary and [G]think on lang [D]syne
When [G]I was a [D]miner and [G]wrought in the [A]mine
O the [Bm]tears they do [D]trickle and [G]down [D]they [A]do [G]fall
Like the [D]roses that [G]bloom around  [D]bonnie [G]Wood[D]hall