
Tuesday 26 June 2007

I just read about that tragic car crash in which two members of Asturian band Felpeyu have been killed. The band were involved in an accident on the way to a concert. The rest of the band survived with only minor injuries, but bouzouki player Ígor Medio and guitarist, bassist and vocalist Carlos Redondo were tragically killed.

I just discovered this fantastic musicians. It's a sad day for celtic music.

Here's a fantastic video of a workshop in Polonia: “Workshop” de Felpeyu en Polonia. (2004) featuring Igor Medio -vocalist and bouzouki and Carlos Redondo - vocalist and a guitar player and many more musicians.

Felpeyu website:

Here's video of group Tejedor of a hommage concert for Igor and Carlos


  1. The accident happened 1 year ago. The concert was last friday.

    The video you talk about is in Youtube, I do think.

  2. Thanks a lot, Alberto. I just saw the month, but not the year and thought it was this year. This Spanish music is really new to me, so I don't know anything about those musicians. I'm just beginning to find out who they are.

  3. Anything you want to know, just ask. I am the bouzouki player with Tejedor and the one that is uploading the videos of the memorial concert.

    I also have a blog in Spanish at and I try to maintain a site about Asturian music in English at

  4. Hi Alberto,

    I came across your blog, but I can't read Spanish, so I would be very happy to visit your English blog. Can you tell me what the reason is why there are so many players of the Irish bouzouki in northern Spain? I don't know anything of Spanish history, where does that celtic influence come from? this could be interesting to explain in your English written blog.
    all the best


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