
Saturday 6 October 2007

Lord Franklin

A song about Admiral Sir John Franklin (April 15, 1786 – June 11, 1847) who was a British Royal Navy officer and Arctic explorer. He mapped almost two thirds of the northern coastline of North America. His last expedition disappeared while attempting to chart and navigate a section of the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic. The entire crew perished from starvation and exposure after Franklin died and the expedition's icebound ships were abandoned in desperation.

I first heard this song from Pentangle long ago. Two years ago I bought a record from a group called Arcanadh. On this there is another great version of that song. Listen to it, if you get a chance.

The bouzouki I'm playing on this video is made by Stevens, Munich, Germany. I bought it secondhand some years ago. Look at:

Lyrics and Tab:

Tab made with Tabledit

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