
Thursday 5 November 2009

Tim Browne - The Bold Thady Quill (The Bould Thady Quill)

Another fine song by Tim Browne, one of my favourite Bouzouki players. This is what he writes about the song:

This is a version of the great Cork song written over 100 years ago by Johnny Tom Gleeson. I recorded this version on Mutiny in the County a solo album I made in 2003. The lyrics were published in the 1993 edition of the wonderful Seanchas Duthalla Magazine in an article written by one James Chisman.

It is a mighty song and many versions of it, even one in the Irish language, are known. I particularily like this version because of its Land League component and Chisman mentioned in his article that this version is thought to be the nearest lyrically to the original version. The song has undergone many changes and additions since the original believed to have been written in the 1880's and first published around the early 1920's.

It is a much favoured drinking song possibly due to the references to drinking black porter as fast as you'll fill etc., Some extra lines have been added to this version so perhaps in one hundred years time or so Thade Quill will have become an internationally recognised academic, and maybe even an assissinated President of America................!!!

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