
Saturday 4 April 2020

Daoiri Farrell - The Creggan White Hare - chords

Another chord sheet. As always, please don't expect it to be 100% what Daoiri plays.

You can find my attempt to tab the intro here:

Picking pattern: Use down, up, down, up, down, up etc.

{t:The Creggan White Hare}
{st:Daoiri Farrell}

In the [D]lowland of [D/C#]Creggan, there liv[Bm]es a white hare[G],
As [D]swift as the[D/C#] swallow that f[Bm]lies through the ai[A]r.
You may [Bm]tramp the world over but none to c[D]ompare
to the [G]pride of old [D]Creggan, that [Bm]bonnie white [G]hare.

One [D]clear autum[D/C#]n morning, as you [Bm]will suppose,  [G] 
ohh [D]The red gold[D/C#]en sun o’er the[Bm] green mountain ros[A]e.
Barney [Bm]Conway came down and he did declar[D]e,
“This [G]day I’ll put [D]an end to the [Bm]bonnie white [G]hare.”

so He [D]searched th[D/C#]rough the lowlands[Bm] and down throu[G]gh the glens,
all am[D]ong the wild[D/C#] ditches where [Bm]the white hare had [A]ends,
Till at [Bm]last coming down o’er the heather [D]so fair,
From [G]behind the wi[D]ld thistle out[Bm] jumps the wh[G]ite hare.

“Bang! [D]bang!” went[D/C#] his gun and his d[Bm]ogs it slipped [G]too.
As [D]swift as the[D/C#] wind over the [Bm]green mountain flew[A].
But his[Bm] dog soon came back, and it made B[D]arney sigh,
For he k[G]new that the [D]white hare had[Bm] bid him good[G]bye.

and We’re[D] some jolly[D/C#] sportsmen down he[Bm]re from Pomeroy[G] 
From [D]Cookstown, D[D/C#]ungannon, and l[Bm]ikewise the Moy.   [A] 
With our[Bm] pedigree greyhounds we’ve travell[D]ed from far
And we’ve [G]come down to [D]Creggan in our[Bm] fine motor c[G]ar.

well [D]into the lo[D/C#]wlands these hunts[Bm]men did go     [G] 
In [D]search of th[D/C#]e white hare th[Bm]ey look high and lo[A]w,
Till [Bm]at last Barney Conway from a bog b[D]ank so rare
Shoute[G]d out to the [D]huntsmen, “The[Bm]re lies the w[G]hite hare.”

so They [D]call up the[D/C#]ir greyhounds from[Bm] off the green [G]lea
And[D] Barney and [D/C#]the huntsmen al[Bm]l jumped high with [A]glee,
it wa[Bm]s there on the bog bank all gather[D]ed around,
Seven [G]dogs and nine[D] men did that [Bm]poor hare sur[G]round.

Oh No[D] wonder the[D/C#] white hare did tr[Bm]emble with fear[G] 
As she[D] stood on he[D/C#]r hind legs, sh[Bm]e would raise her b[A]ig ears,
as she[Bm] stood on her hind legs with one g[D]allant spring,
She j[G]umped over th[D]e greyhounds a[Bm]nd broke thro[G]ugh the ring.

Well[D] that chase[D/C#] It went on, it wa[Bm]s beautiful vie[G]w
As [D]swift as the[D/C#] wind o’er the [Bm]green mountain flew[A].
But t[Bm]hose pedigree greyhounds, they did[D]n’t run far.
They come[G] back and wen[D]t home in thei[Bm]r fine motor [G]car.

Then [D]there came [D/C#]another man and yo[Bm]u all know him [G]well;
His [D]name was mic[D/C#]k kelly with th[Bm]e Bonnie Black Nell[A].
oh In[Bm] search of the white hare, today “[D]I’ll have fun.
ill bet[G] fifty to one[D] my Black Nell[Bm] does her tur[G]n.”

Five[D] turns the [D/C#]hare got then from[Bm] Bonnie Black N[G]ell,
And th[D]e sixth one [D/C#]was given aroun[Bm]d John Haughey’s we[A]ll.
‘it was[Bm] there we lost sight of the hare a[D]nd the dog,
And th[G]en ten minute[D]s later they c[Bm]ome o’er the [G]bog.

Well, tha[D]t chase it [D/C#]went on. It was gr[Bm]eat for to see.[G] 
The[D] white hare [D/C#]and the black d[Bm]og both roamed ligh[A]t and free,
Till she[Bm] travelled to Esker where she knew[D] the lands well,
And to [G]Bonnie Black [D]Nell there soo[Bm]n bid farewel[G]l.

Oh A[D]nd now to c[D/C#]onclude and to fin[Bm]ish this rhyme [G] 
I [D]hope you’ll [D/C#]forgive me for [Bm]singing all this wh[A]ile.
If th[Bm]ere’s any amongst you in Carrick m[D]ore fair,
please[G] drink up a h[D]ealth to that [Bm]bonnie white [G]hare.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!!
    This is a beautiful song and you did a great job of transcribing Daoiri's playing.
    This will be very helpful for me as I learn the song : )


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