
Friday 3 February 2023

The Spider Walk - Finger Exercise

 Finger Practice exercises are a fantastic way to strengthen your fingers. It might be a good idea to do them in your daily practice session.


Some time ago I already posted a video about the Spider Walk. This is a good finger practice. But there are many different exercises which go with this name.

This is the video I posted already, it's from creativeguitarstudio:

This is what to do:

  • First place your fingers on the G string: index finger on the 5th fret, middle finger in the 6th fret, ring finger 7th fret, little finger 8th fret.
  • Now take the index finger and place it on the D-string in the 5th fret. Leave all the other fingers!
  • Now place the middle finger on the D-string in the 6th fret. Then place the ring finger on the D-string in the 7th fret.
  • Finally, place the little finger on the D-string in the 8th fret.
  • It is important that all the other fingers always remain in their position.
  • Now run from one string to the next and back again.
  • First do this exercise without striking with the right hand. Then do it with the right hand.

Here's a tab I made:

Here is a video with some more Spider Walk exercises by Las Vegas Guitar:

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