
Wednesday 1 March 2023

The Parting Glass - Sandra Joyce, Donal Lunny

The debut album by Sandra Joyce has just been released. On most of the tracks she is accompanied by Donal Lunny.

You'll find the album here on bandcamp where you can listen to it and buy it as download or CD.

You'll get 10 beautiful songs, two of them unaccompanied and the other 8 beautifully arranged with bouzouki, flute, fiddle and concertina.

I was blown away by the sparse beauty of the arrangement of the well known song "The Parting Glass". I tried to get near the arrangement of Donal Lunny, I hope I got some of his ideas.

You can listen to the song here on bandcamp.

So is is the tab I made, might be rhythmically not correct, but I hope most of the chords are. If you'd like to have the tab as printable pdf please contact me. Also if you find any mistakes or so. ;-)

{t:The Parting Glass}
{st:Sandra Joyce - Donal Lunny}

Of [A5]all the money [E*]that [F]e’er I [D]had  {c:E*=nur Ton E}
[G*]I’ve [C]spent it in [F*]good [C]compan[G]y
And [Am]all the [F]harm that [C]e’er I’ve [G]done
[D/A]A[C/G]las [F]it [C/G]was [D/A]to [Am]none but [F]me
And [C]all I’ve [C*]said for [C]want of [C*]wit
To [F]memo[G*]ry [G]now I [Am]can’t [G*]re[G]call
[G*]So [Am]fill to [A5]me the [C]par[G*]ting [G]glass
Good [C]night [F]and [C]joy [G*]be [Am]with [G*]you [F]all

If I had money enough to spend
And leisure time to sit a while
There is a fair maid in Limerick town
that sorely has my heart beguiled
Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips
she alone has my heart in thrall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all.

Of all the comrades that e’er I had
They are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e’er I had
They'd wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I’ll gently rise and I’ll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all

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