
Tuesday 18 April 2023

I Will Set My Ship In Order - Scottish Song

Dominik Haerinck sings this beautiful folk song with a lovely bouzouki accompaniment. 

 It can be found on a recording by Caipercaille called Choice Language from 2003. Ossian plays the song on their best of recording with a slightly different melody. More versions by June Tabor andGareth Davies-Jones and Calum Stewart, both with slightly different melody.


Oh [C]I will set my ship in [G]order
[Em]I will sail her on the [D]sea
[C]I'll go far over yonder [G]border
To [Em]see if my love [D]minds on [G]me

[Em]And he sailed east and [D]he sailed [G]west
[Em]He sailed far, far seeking [D]land
Un[C]til he came to his true love's [G]window
[Em]And he knocked loud and [D]would be [G]in

"Oh who is that at my bedroom window?
Who knocks so loud and would be in?"
"'Tis I, 'tis I, your ain true lover
And I am drenched untae my skin

So go and go and ask your faither
And see if he'll let you marry me
If he says no, come back and tell me
And it's the last time I'll trouble thee"

"My father's in his chamber writing
Setting down his merchandise
And in his hand he holds a letter
And it speaks much in your dispraise

My mother's in her chamber sleeping
And words of love she will not hear
So you may go and court another
And whisper softly in her ear"

Then she arose, put on her clothing
It was to let her true love in
But e're she had the door unlockit
His ship was sailing on the main

"Come back, come back, my ain dear Johnny
Come back, come back and marry me"
"How can I come back and marry you, love?
Our ship is sailing on the sea"

The fish may fly, and the seas run dry
The rocks may melt doon wi' the sun
And the working man may forget his labor
Before that my love returns again

She's turned herself right roun' about
She's flung herself intae the sea
Farewell for aye, my ain dear Johnny
Ye'll ne'er hae tae come back to me


Lyrics from Mudcat


I will put my ship in order
And I will set her on the sea
And I will sail to yonder harbor
To see if my love minds on me

I drew my ship into the harbor
I drew her up where my true love lay
I drew her close up to the window
To listen what my true love did say

"Oh who is that at my bower window?
That raps so loudly and would be in?"
"It is your true love that loves you dearly
So rise, dear love, and let him in"

Then slowly, slowly rose she up
And slowly, slowly came she down
But before she had the door unlocked
Her true love had both come and gone

"Come back, come back, my own true love
Come back, come back, come to my side
I never grieved you nor yet deceived you
And I will surely be your bride"

"The fish shall fly, the seas run dry, love
The rocks shall melt with the sun
The laboring men shall forget their labor
Before that I return again"

C: x232
G: 0025
Em: 99910

Here's a discussion about the song on 

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