
Saturday 30 December 2023

More than 550 000 views, but nearly no comments and no interaction! - Thinking about deleting my blog :-(

I run this blog now since January 2007, that's 17 years. What began as a resource for myself, in which I wanted to collect interesting videos, articles etc. all about the irish bouzouki has become a good knowlege base, I think. 

One thing I hoped for did not come true after all these years. I hoped, people who visit my blog would contact me and maybe prepare content just as I do. This never happened. Also nearly no one did comment or say thank you. Because of this I more than one time thought about deleting all this whole blog and I asked myself, why do I give away all my efforts for free when no one gives anything back? I am not talking about money, I gladly give my tabs etc away for free. 

I think most of you readers work on songs, tunes etc. Why don't you record videos, tab your playing and send it to me so that I can offer it here for other learners? This could be a fantastic learning base for other players.

Also I'd like to suggest, if you would like to join me and run this blog together, please contact me and I can give you access so you can write and post information too.

For now I decided, that I will not post links to my tabs anymore. If you are interested I will still give them away for free, but you have to write me an email and a comment. So I will delete all these links in the near future. Let's see if there will be more interaction, which I hope so.

I wish you all a happy New Year. May the zouk be with you!