
Saturday 30 December 2023

More than 550 000 views, but nearly no comments and no interaction! - Thinking about deleting my blog :-(

I run this blog now since January 2007, that's 17 years. What began as a resource for myself, in which I wanted to collect interesting videos, articles etc. all about the irish bouzouki has become a good knowlege base, I think. 

One thing I hoped for did not come true after all these years. I hoped, people who visit my blog would contact me and maybe prepare content just as I do. This never happened. Also nearly no one did comment or say thank you. Because of this I more than one time thought about deleting all this whole blog and I asked myself, why do I give away all my efforts for free when no one gives anything back? I am not talking about money, I gladly give my tabs etc away for free. 

I think most of you readers work on songs, tunes etc. Why don't you record videos, tab your playing and send it to me so that I can offer it here for other learners? This could be a fantastic learning base for other players.

Also I'd like to suggest, if you would like to join me and run this blog together, please contact me and I can give you access so you can write and post information too.

For now I decided, that I will not post links to my tabs anymore. If you are interested I will still give them away for free, but you have to write me an email and a comment. So I will delete all these links in the near future. Let's see if there will be more interaction, which I hope so.

I wish you all a happy New Year. May the zouk be with you!


  1. I have left a number of comments . They never get posted. A ton of great bouzouki info. Please don't delete

    I really enjoy your blog.

  2. Hi Ren, as there was lots of spam comments I turned the thing on that I have to publish the comments. I don't know why your comments did not come through, sorry for that. When I wrote this entry I was a bit disappointed, because there is no interaction and no one that might want to contribute anything to the blog. I feel a bit lonely in doing this thing. That's all. Would be great if we could find some more people who would like to post and share content here.

  3. I love your blog, there some absolutely excellent resources on here dating years back, I would be so sad to see it go. Unfortunately, I do empathise, engagement rates are a hard thing to increase especially for a blog. Maybe sharing this blog or specific posts on social media, such as the Irish Bouzouki Forum on Facebook, might be a shout. Wishing you the best.

  4. Hi Louey,
    Thanks for your comment. I regularly post content in the Irish Bouzouki Forum on Facebook and comment there to inform readers about my blog. I think it is the mentality of people on the internet. They just want to grab things, mostly for free, but don't like to give something back. The Bouzouki Forum has about 4000 members, but only a few of them post and comment. I often wonder why they are members if they don't participate.

    When I started this blog I wasn't aware of facebook groups (I think, I even wasn't a member at that time) And nowadays I'm not sure wether facebook is still in fashion. Many of my friends don't use facebook anymore and young people don't use it anyway. Personally I don't like Instagram and TikTok, so this is no option, at least for me.

    So let's see if there are some people out there who would like to help me spread the news.

  5. I lire your blog , please dont stop !
    Happy new year

  6. Thank you! Thank you! I apprecieate your blog! Happy New Year!

  7. I appreciate that publishing into an apparent void must be demoralising, but your blog is unique and of immense value, so please don't give up on it.

    I have been lucky enough to get to three bouzouki workshops and have used OAIM. I'm happy to pay for stuff but there are hardly any tutor books. I've found a few useful posts on The Session, but resources are extremely scarce in comparison to more popular instruments.

    Your 'deconstruction' of playing techniques and the provision of tabs is absolutely fascinating. I find it so hard to work out what top players are actually doing.

    I have put a link to your blog from mine for what that is worth, but I am more likely to take than give because that is where my abilities place me.

  8. Na, du wirst lachen, mein Lieber, wer so alles deinen Blog liest! Wirklich schöne Sachen, mit Liebe und Sachverstand zusammengestellt. Da kriege ich richtig Lust, selbst Bouzouki anzufangen. Ohne Sch...
    Schöne Grüße

  9. Hi Christian, freut mich, dass dir mein Blog gefällt.

  10. I love your blog Frank, thank you for your hard work

  11. This is my first visit here and your blog went immediatly in my bookmarks.

    As my first bouzouki is on it's way, I was looking for ressources about this beautifull instrument and I was surprise by the very few number of it.

    So thank you for your passion and hard work, by sure that I will ask for part/tab by mails!

  12. Hi Liaenis, welcome to the world of bouzouki. Hope you will enjoy your new instrument. I hope my blog might help you to get along with it. Feel free to ask whatever you like.
    All the best Frank


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