The Doggy Few is an Irish Folk Band based in the Netherlands. They have a nice website at: I'm not really good in reading and understanding the language of the Netherlands. But they have a really good tunebook on the website:
Paul provides some more tunebooks (a set tunebook, a basic tunebook, a annex tunebook with tunes which will appear in a later version of his tunebook etc.) on his site, look at:
Pennknivsmördaren (Penknife Killer" is a traditional Swedish tune. Kruzifinger learded it from Ken P, a member of "Mandolin Cafe", who learned it from Swedish group Vasen. Kruzifinger plays it on his Zouk tuned GDAD, Capo 2.
I haven't posted anything for more than a month. How time flies, but I did not find anything, that I thought is so interesting to post. But now my friend Tom gave me the hint to a new video of Andy Irvine.
First there's a video from January 24, 1999 in New Zealand, Christchurch. Live at Maddison's . Andy plays his solo version of the classic "The Blacksmith". Not the best quality but really worth watching.
Another fine song by Tim Browne, one of my favourite Bouzouki players. This is what he writes about the song:
This is a version of the great Cork song written over 100 years ago by Johnny Tom Gleeson. I recorded this version on Mutiny in the County a solo album I made in 2003. The lyrics were published in the 1993 edition of the wonderful Seanchas Duthalla Magazine in an article written by one James Chisman.
It is a mighty song and many versions of it, even one in the Irish language, are known. I particularily like this version because of its Land League component and Chisman mentioned in his article that this version is thought to be the nearest lyrically to the original version. The song has undergone many changes and additions since the original believed to have been written in the 1880's and first published around the early 1920's.
It is a much favoured drinking song possibly due to the references to drinking black porter as fast as you'll fill etc., Some extra lines have been added to this version so perhaps in one hundred years time or so Thade Quill will have become an internationally recognised academic, and maybe even an assissinated President of America................!!!
Tim has posted some new videos, so I'm really happy to include them here.
On the first video he plays a guitar shaped bouzouki made by Heiner Dreizehnter a few years ago. As far as I know Tim bought this zouk from my friend Tom from Munich. The newry Highwayman
Ralf Wackers, German musician with Band Curragh has release a tutor's book for the Irish bouzouki. As far as I know it is the first book at this topic which is addressed to beginners and intermediate players of the bouzouki. Unfortunately this book is available only in German. So it could be a little difficult to understand all the things said in this great book. But if you have ears and eyes you can learn a lot by listening to the examples on the cd and look at the notation.
For example here is the tune "Toss the feathers":
Click on the picture to see a larger version. Be careful, the chords are for GDAE-tuning! And here's the audio file which goes with it:
Some time ago I made some templates for Jigs and Reels where I could just fill in the chords needed. This helps a lot when attending a workshop. You can download them here: Reel-template Jig-template
Some time ago I made this little helper. This shows all the position of the notes wich are in a specified chord. So it helps to find out different positions of the chords.
Duncan has made a fine video, in which he plays bouzouki, Bass, Flute and sings a song called The ickey Dam. What a complex video, must have been a lot of work.
Lempelius & Palm is a bouzouki and fiddle Duo from Germany. I met both of them at various Irish music workshops in Bonn, Germany. The both do a very good job as teachers, too.
Here's a video of some "tunes by the fire"
Michael solo, demonstrating a bouzouki for sale at ebay:
A Breton Group together with Andy Irvine. What a pleasure to watch these videos. Recorded at Festival Interceltique, Lorient on August 1st. 2009 Web:
The Plains Of Kildare
Time Will Cure Me (Sabra Girl)
The Blacksmith
And some instrumental tunes I don't know the titles of:
Irishlike, a friend of mine posted two videos on youtube. First he sings a song by Pete St. John, which was also sung by Ronnie Drew. The song describes the fact of war from the sight of a kid who´s father went to fight in Germany. This man left his family as a hero and came back as a broken man. The refrain owns a really truth: "...soldiers are the livin´ proof of our inhumantiy."
One of the artists among Solas, Karine Polwart etc. was bouzouki player and singer Andy Irvine. Until now there are two videos of Andy available on youtube:
If you are still looking for that special chord maybe you can find it here. Brian offers a huge list of chords for various instruments. He has listed chords both in GDAD and greek tuning. Here's the link to GDAD:
I think Joseph is well know to all seriously playing bouzouki-ists. He is specialized in fingerpicking the cittern. In this lesson he shows his way of playing a jig. Learn how to incorporate melody, harmony and ornamentation.
I don't have any informatin about BmoreBusker or Jim Pettijohn which is his real name, but he sent me a message to inform me about his videos on youtube. So here they are, First a little tune on his new Fylde Cittern, a real lively one.
Forbesbell demonstrates his new cittern made by Terry Docherty, a real lovely sounding instrument. Look at:, where you can find lots if information and photos and a workshop blog, too. Really worth looking at.
Here's a song calles Blackleg Miner, played with his old Fylde
I could include lots of great videos of Christy, but this is a bouzouki blog. But on this video there's Donal Lunny playing his wonderful bouzouki. Fantastic song, deep lyrics.
gn0coach has a fine style of playing the bouzouki. This is a cover of a song by Seth Lakeman. I think it's brilliant.
Wavechaser, an original composition, very interesting tune.
Pay the reckoning: A jig. gn0coach writes: "Saw kyle25rs version and thought it about time I learned my first Jig on Irish Bouzouki - cover your ears! GDAD, Capo on the 5th fret. Based on Han Speek tab"
David Francey is recognized as one of today's finest singer-songwriters. Born in Scotland in 1954 he now lives in Canada. He is often accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Craig Werth. Many thanks to my friend Tom for sending me the links.
What a tribute: Here are some Tunes with Donal Lunny, John McSherry, Davy Spillane, Liam O'Flynn, Andy Irvine, Christy Moore, Nollaig Casey, Paddy Glackin. Three Bouzoukis altogether on stage. Andy Irvine is playing his old Stevens Bouzouki. Haven't seen him playing it for a long time.
Not my cup of coffee, but some of you might like it: Here's "Dirty old Town" featuring Donal, Gilles Servat, Ronnie Drew, John McSherry, Nollaig Casey
A live recording with Pandit Harvinder Singh Sitar and Anders Falk Cittern. I really like this combination of the two instruments, although there is no celtish influence in the music.
Good man bailliekins has posted a new video featuring his Octave Mandolin. This time it's the Song Step It Out Mary, originally by Sean McCarthy. He has rewritten it a bit and has added some verses. Really nice tune.
BmoreBusker is playing a tune which he says is originally by Terry Woods and maybe Ron Kavana and from a collaboration album called LILT - For the children. Fine playing, nice tune.
Keith enjoys us here with a set of tunes: Boys of Bluehill, Chief O'Neills and Drowsy Maggie. He writes: Mando is by Freshwater - very beaten up when I got it. have just stripped it back to the wood and refinished it. New set up partially complete. Still needs work on the bridge saddle, and the string gauges sorting out, then final fettling to suit. Enjoy!
What a nice tune played on a legendary instrument. Steve is playing a original composition from his Other Places, Times and Lives album. For more information look at:
Just back from a lovely weekend in Bonn where I attended on a bouzouki workshop with Michael Lempelius ( I found this nice video. Joynergy is just fooling around on his bouzouki which is made by luthier Juhn Hullah. Does anybody have some information about this luther?
Bob and Jane are a couple playing cittern and fiddle. Here they are with the following tunes: Flying Home to Shelley (Paul Gitlitz), Paddy on the Landfill (Rob Hayes), Music for a Found Harmonium (Simon Jeffes)
Tim Browne has posted a new video. A trad song played together with Eoin Jordan on bouzouki at the Trades Union Hall, Kanturk, Co. Cork, Ireland on October 15th, 2008. Tim's website:
And here is Mosed Bridge-The Girl From Glashakeenleen
nandyfer gives us the chance to look at his right hand while he is playing the arpeggio intro to a song from the group "Quenda Folk". I couldnt't find lots of information about the band but this myspace site:
Yippie! Found new videos from Beth Patterson, one of my favourite bouzouki players. I have mentioned her many times before. First here's her version of Heather on the moor, a song made famous by Paul Brady.
Here's an interesting mix of indian music played live at Umea Folk Music Festival on Feb, 20th 2009. Pandit Harvinder Singh, Sitar - Anders Falk, Cittern - Daniel Pettersson Swedish Nyckelharpa. The cittern actually only plays a drone, more or less.
Dominique posted a new video. Here he's playing a mandocello tuned EADG, just like the top 4 strings on a guitar. His website:
Today I discovered Bouzouki Player, Fiddler and singer Tim Browne from the area Duhallow / Sliabh Luachra. I contacted him and finally got the chance to listen to some of his recordings. First here's a video:
With a little help of "chordhouse" I made this list of shapes for the most needed chords. You can find the possible position of the fingers and therefore figure out possible chord shapes. I hope someone will find this useful. You can download it here.
Here's a little bouzouki tutorial from Karl Nesbitt. He demonstrates the accompaniment for the A-part oth the Salamanca reel. He is accompanied by Tommie Conniffe on the Accordion.
Nice finger picking on the bouzouki here from Karl Nesbitt. Two tunes: Ag Fagainnt Slan & The Battle of Aughrim.
Off-topic, but really good, here's a bodhran tutorial from Karl. Seems he likes Apple computers, just like me.
There will be a show broadcasted by the internet! You may have online access at The gig will be on Friday 23th, January, at 23: PM(local time) As a reference, in the UK that would be 2:00 AM
If anybody has the chance to record this event please let me know.
Ok, a bit too late, but I just found that video and I think it's worth a look. So here are some christmas carols played on Bouzouki Fiddle and Bass. Gloria, in Excelsis Deo and Joy to the World.
So this is the start into another new year and I like to wish everybody on this planet all the best. Hope this will be a peaceful year for everyone of you. If you have got anything to add to this blog feel free to inform me.